Thursday, February 28, 2013

Much to be thankful for!

Thank you, Lord, for giving me an interview for a position I am actually excited about! Job hunting is a job in itself but today I couldn't wait to go on this interview. I am SO ready to be working again but have been thankful for the time I've had off. I have never looked so hard for a job but nothing has opened up. What a relief to even get an interview!

I didnt get a chance to write about my "God thing" yesterday but I am so blessed to have listened to a podcast yesterday that has really stuck with me. To quote Ray Ortlund " When life is hell and nothing is going right, AND you're experiencing God's nearness deep within, the reality is...THATS HEAVEN ON EARTH!". Man thats so good and really helps me look at my current season of life in a way that I wouldn't have.

God IS good...regardless of my circumstances and I have much to be thankful for!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Burr Rabbit!

Today, being unemployed has played to my advantage! As much as I would like to have a job...well an income...I secretly LOVE not having a job right now! What a cold, wet, and gloomy day. Perfect recipe for a book, coffee, and a blanket on the couch. So today, I did as this day called and enjoyed the day at home in my pj's reading a book that I cant get enough of! Great book and a great looking cover...Must be a brilliant graphic designer behind this book cover (Brian Bobel-Dual Identity).

Thankful I can enjoy the little things in life

Monday, February 25, 2013

I'm baaaack!

Gonna to cut to the chase here: As many of you already know I am home early from Haiti. To say that things didn't quite go as I had hoped is an understatement. I don't know that I am ready to share details of the hardships that I experienced but I believe I will eventually get to where I can open up about it more. This announcement is something I have avoided for a while because of the awkwardness but I have managed to draw it out so long that it may be more awkward now...awesome!

I thought I would be blogging more about Haiti but the plans have changed a bit, I guess. The last 2 months have been the hardest months of my life and the best all at the same time. If you have read my week 1 blog then you know how hard that was for me. The rest of my time there went that times 10, plus the exhaustion didn't help. I met some remarkable people that work at the orphanage and I cannot tell you how much I admire them for what they do. Its far from an easy task to live there (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) but they do it! I can only imagine the crowns they will be given in heaven!

I in no way doubt the call from God for me to go to Haiti because I know things happened in order for me to go that honestly should not have happened. My attitude almost the entire time I have been home has been that of Debbie Downer! Gross! It has been so natural and easy for me to be mad at God and ask him "What in the world have you done? I gave up everything (ok, not everything) to obey the call, it failed, and I am home with no vision to what you are doing!". A week ago I had a wonderful opportunity to meet with a man who knew everything that went on in Haiti and he knows first hand and thing or two about Haiti himself. I see this man every of the most genuine people I have ever met. He was able to relate to me on Haiti in a way most aren't able to relate. Little did I know, this man knows suffering on a level that you wish you knew it but hoped you never had learn the way he did (unfortunately it doesn't happen that way). This man was put in prison for something that ultimately was not guilty for. His words after he told me his story was incredible. He said he would not take anything for the 3 years he spent in prison. This man has seen this devastating experience as a total gift from God. This is true Christian suffering. I had just been reading the book of Job 1:6-12 that morning. To quickly summarize, God gives Satan permission to test Job but also tells Satan what he can and cannot do to Job. The only reason God allowed Satan to do this is because God knew that this would do the very opposite of what Satan was trying to accomplish. Job never knew why but had faith...and we are able to read about him a few thousand years later. Amazing!

I know I am rambling but I am going somewhere here! Since things in Haiti didn't turn out like I had hoped, this blog is also turning out a little differently. I have zoomed in on the things that aren't going the way I think they should, so I want to start focusing on the things that I have been blessed with. To hold me accountable, I'm going to use this blog daily to track the "God things" in my life.

February 25- I was able to meet with a lady that I admire so much and she has been so kind to be a mentor to me. Thankful for this woman and her lovely family! By the way, V- the CD's are wonderful...I sat in the driveway because I couldn't stop listening! You are a blessing!