Monday, September 10, 2012

Lack of Joy=Lack of Mission

Sheevens gives great hugs…Cant wait for more!

I listened to a podcast by Tim Keller on Missions just 2 weeks ago.  Man, it is good!  If you are like me, you like knowing you have purpose and you are being used.  For years, I have searched for my "purpose" in life.  After trying to achieve what I thought would bring me happiness, and filling voids I hoped this world could fulfill, I never experienced joy.

  Tim Keller points out 3 features of missions:

1) Result of mission is ALWAYS joy. 
2) Power for mission is an encounter with God.
3) Requirement for missions is holiness.

The one that stuck out to me most was the first one.  The result of mission is ALWAYS JOY.  Lack of joy in your life is a lack of mission.  In other words, mission is a necessity for joy.  He says if you have lost joy, you are living a life for self and small ambitions. 

Since listening to this sermon (and a conversation I had with some ladies from church before I went to Haiti in the first place), I have thought about it over and over!  One of the most uncomfortable things for me to do (ever) is to ask for money.  You can ask my parents… I hate it!  But this message really got me thinking.  We are all called to do mission and we all have the same side effects from mission…JOY! Not everyone is called to do foreign missions, but some of us are.  I would love for everyone to be a part of this plan of God's in some way.  First,  I need prayer!  As I said in the first blog,  its really the only thing I have had from the start of this process and I will need more of it!  Prayer for even the things that I don't know to pray for!  Second, I need community…yes, even thousands of miles away!  Some great friends at church mentioned to me that they would love to start getting together and praying maybe once weekly now, and while I am there!  That is community at its finest and I want more of that!  And finally, (here goes) financial support.  Unfortunately, mission is always costly and requires a lot of sacrifice…indication that its worth it!  If you feel like you would want to be a part of this mission in any of these areas, I will very greatly appreciate it!  

The wonderful people at the Hands & Feet Project have set me up on a website that makes it easy for anyone who wants to support me financially.  Just go to this link: 
You will be able to choose to make a monthly or one time payment.  

I still have no idea why God would choose me of all people to go so far to serve, but I am so thankful his plans are not mine…He has brought me a million times more joy since being back from Haiti, than I ever did in 26 years…I can only imagine what is to come!  And he is still going to use me! I say this to the ones that think they could never be used!  God loves and uses the "unusable"!

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