Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I'm moving to Haiti!!!


4:00AM leaving the sweet kids at Hands and Feet
So, back from Haiti and I could not miss it more!  This a picture is the last that I was able to capture while we were leaving.  This very moment is when I realized, I had to go back.

The Lord did so much to my heart during this trip, but has continued to do so much more since I have been back.  My worship, prayers, and thought has completely changed over the weeks.  My eyes were opened to so much that needed to change in myself and that was incredibly humbling.  I realized how much I live for myself and every decision I make with only myself in mind.  In Haiti I have never felt more unattractive.  I was sweaty from the time I woke up, through most of the night when I slept.  My hair was always nappy.  I wore extremely dirty clothes  2 and 3 times in a row. But at the same time, I have never been happier.  Loving on these orphans who have had nothing but letdowns and abuse since birth, was the best feeling.  I completely forgot about myself and it was so easy to do this with the 31 kids. They not only know they are safe but that they are SO loved by Christ and the people around them.

My heart broke when we left.  I hate a broken heart!  But this was one that had to happen for me personally.  On one of the flights back, I was listening to my iPod and a song came on that I had listened to over and over but this time it struck me totally different.  Every word was exactly what my heart felt.  One line more than anything grabbed me; "Why don't you break my heart till it moves my hands and feet".  I realized that the Lord allowed my heart to break so that I would do something!  Something not for myself.  He is so kind to allow us to experience heartbreak when it is for his glory and our good.

So, this brings me to the reason I am blogging.  Not only is this a way for me to keep friends and family up-to-date on the road of going back to Haiti, but the thought of one unbeliever coming to Christ by hearing his goodness just in my life makes my storytelling all worth it!  I want to go ahead and say that I have possibly the worst grammar and spelling…please don't judge me!  To think that I have to learn another language when I am in Haiti makes me laugh…I barely speak good English!

UPDATE! Here is where I am as of now with my "journey" back to Haiti.  I emailed one of the missionaries less than 48 hours after being back in the states asking when could I come back and for how long…and if there was even a need for me there.  She responded and was beyond encouraging and comforted me by basically telling me I wasn't crazy for feeling the way I felt.  She emailed an application, and took about 3 weeks to hear back.  I AM GOING BACK!  The dates have not been determined but I will be there for 3 to 4 months I think.  As far as what I will be doing…great question!  I wont really know until I am settled in but I will be helping the missionaries do whatever they need help with.  What are my expectations you ask?  I hope to have a better vision of where God wants me long term…I am so open to being there full time…I just want to see what way I can serve best and where.  Prayer has been the most important thing for me throughout all of this.  There is so much that I will need to have taken care of while I am gone, but God has more than proven his faithfulness already so I have no reason to worry!  What a relief!  

I am so excited to see where God puts me and how he uses me.  Nothing about Haiti is what I thought I would ever be passionate about.  The joy, when I was there, was unlike anything I have ever experienced...and I long for that again!  That kind of joy only comes from the Lord!  I'M MOVING TO HAITI!!!!! 


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