Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October Update!!!


I'm going to have to say that the theme of this Haiti mission is definitely that God is the     ultimate problem solver! Every time something has come up that I think is for sure going to keep me from going to Haiti, God's totally got it covered! Two pretty miraculous things have happened that I just want to share.

First-I received a call last week from one of the guys in charge of global missions at church letting me know that Immanuel would love to help support me in any area that they can! What a blessing to know that an entire church is so supportive and willing to do what it takes to get me one step closer. Just for the record…Immanuel is literally #1 when it comes to cheering on each other (especially when it comes to something like this). I cannot even count how many people have sent me random text messages and emails of encouragement…I am so blessed to even know them!

Second-Since I received the confirmation that I am going to Haiti, my car has been in the back of my mind. Silly…since it's only a material thing. I have been thinking…ok, I can sell it if I need to…BUT…I will definitely need a car when I get back and I am months away from paying it off. I really didn't want to have to sell it. For a while now, calling the credit union my loan is through has been on my mind. Last week I finally bit the bullet and called. After explaining my situation to the lady and letting her know its ok if she thought I was being completely ridiculous for even asking, she asked if I could get my request in writing so she could present it to the board.  I immediately typed it up and put it in the mail.  She called back the next day and said that they were willing to do whatever they could to help out!  WHAT?!?!?!? She said they could treat this like they do for the military when they go on tours and such by cutting my payments in HALF! Amazing! 

To see God so obviously working is CRAZY in the best way! Not only has he provided these things but he has also provided time with my family that I usually have to miss out on because of work on the weekends. The last 2 Friday nights, I have been able to spend the night with my nephew and new little niece and spend most of the weekends with the whole family.  I don't know where this time is coming from but I am so thankful for every minute. I boohooed the whole way home last weekend when my nephew said he was sad that I had to go home…that kid knows how to get to me. 

Here's where I am as of now. I am still in need of support in all areas. I am definitely feeling your prayers..Thank you…and keep it up! Health insurance has been the most recent issue to come up. Since I am having to quit my job for this, I will no longer be covered once I leave…prayer that an affordable and decent health plan would be great! It is almost daily that something new comes up that needs working out. No doubt that God's got it taken care of already but I still would appreciate your prayers.  

My financial need is still a big one! I have received support already but I am definitely in need for more to cover the cost of my stay. A gigantic THANK YOU to everyone who has been so generous already! AND an even bigger thank you to Josh Brown! He is printing the support letters for me! You rock!

Love Triangle
Pa & Judd at the WWII ship…What a fun day!
Anslee holding Lillie Anne..gosh she is growing!


  1. Love love love you! I love seeing you change into a God fearing lady:) I can't wait to hear all the stories! Love you bigger than the sky!
